Come Home! Praying for the Lost and Those Who've Lost Their Way
Apr 03, 2023
As we celebrate holy week this week, many Christ followers will be participating in activities to remember what Jesus did to reunite us with God. His passion both for His Father and for us literally poured out of Him on the cross. What a great week this is! The week we remember and celebrate our Father who accepted the suffering of His Son as payment enough for sin, and then gloriously displayed His power when the sin of this world couldn't keep Jesus in the grave. OH how much we have to celebrate!
But most of us celebrate with joy mingled in desperate longing for the people we know who aren't celebrating with us. They are our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and children. They are our neighbors and co-workers, friends and acquaintances. They are the people we live with and the ones we wish lived closer to us.
This is a good week to pray fervently for those who are lost and those who've lost their way. I've found a few incredible resources to help you do just that. NOTE that every heading in this article will take you to an incredible prayer resource! You're welcome. :)
Pray along with the You Tube channel: Prayer Storm TV.
I stumbled across this powerful prayer for prodigals. It's led by 2 men, one who has a beautiful accent. They pray fervently for both the lost and for the intercessors who pray for the lost. If you have 16:57 minutes, there isn't a better way you can spend them. Stop right now if you can, click on THIS LINK and participate in this prayer!
Read this article: How to Pray for the Lost
In this article the writer gives you both inspiration and practical step-by-step ways to pray for your people by name. I love the first point: "Pray with faith and hope." So many times I lose hope and my faith wanes. The present reality swallows up the hope I have for God to change things. But, as we like to say at Thompson Station Church, JESUS CHANGES EVERYTHING!
And the writer of this article reminds us that there is "nobody out of salvation's reach." I'm remembering that George Muller prayed daily for 5 people to be saved and although it took years for a few on that list to make professions of faith, eventually all 5 did.
This article includes 5 practical ways we can pray for those who are lost. Each of the 5 have corresponding Scripture you can take to the spiritual bank and "bank" on!
Use this LINK to download a great resource I put together for you.
This little booklet was taken from one given to me many years ago called Praying Effectively for the Lost by Lee E. Thomas. I just discovered you can read it for free on Kindle from Amazon! I just condensed it a bit and made it easy to use as a daily prayer guide for those I know whose souls hang in the balance between heaven and hell. Feel free to print and share the booklet that I'm attaching here.
Participate in this 21-Day Prayer course with Jennifer Kennedy Dean and me.
Oh, my goodness! I loved Jennifer Kennedy Dean. She was such a great teacher on prayer. What a delight it was to create this online course with her. Even though I could hardly talk (because the devil loves to distract us when we're doing Kingdom shaking things), we put together a great 21-day course that I encourage you to complete during your quiet time. It will impact the way you pray for those you know (and love) who are lost.
Use these resources and let's see what God will do through the mysterious partnership of prayer that Jesus' death and resurrection purchased for us when He died on the cross and resurrected from the dead.
He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!
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