Jesus' Spicy Grannies Devotions: Tamar
Dec 10, 2024
When Matthew wrote the geneology of Jesus, He included the names of 5 women. This was scandalous!! There are many genealogies listed in the Bible, and this is the only one that mentions multiple women.
These women were Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. During this Christmas season, I am taking a deep dive into the lives of these women in my podcast. You can connect with the Leighann McCoy podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.
Why did Matthew list these particular women in his genealogy of Jesus? They are mentioned for context (to understand how Jesus came into the world on time in the nick of time to fulfill God's ultimate plan of salvation for all time), and for emphasis (so that we would retell their stories and learn more about the nature of God and how Jesus died for anyone who believes -- regardless of whether or not they are part of the right family, doing the right thing, or living in the right place).
And their stories are so very interesting!
So, as an addendum to the podcast, I'm providing you with daily Bible readings and prayer prompts so that you can take your own deep dive into Jesus' Spicy Grannies during this Christmas season.
Tamar is the spiciest of them all, and we begin with her.
Day 1: Read Genesis 38: 1-7
Thank God for being just. Thank Him for knowing what goes on "behind closed doors." Is there anything going on in your life that you'd like for God to address? Ask Him to exercise His wisdom in these matters.
Day 2: Read Genesis 38:8-11
When people don't behave the way they should, and when life doesn't turn out like you thought it would, God is there. Thank Him for always being with you even when you don't know it. Ask Him to open your eyes to His presence so that you can find rest in Him.
Day 3: Read Genesis 38:12-19
Sit here for a minute and let the Spirit of God settle you in this bizarre and unsettling story in the genealogy of Jesus. Consider your darkest sins and realize God knows they are there. Confess these to Him if you haven't already and thank Him for showering you with mercy and grace.
Day 4: Read Genesis 38:20-23
Do you care a lot about what others think about you? Are there things that are hidden that you are desperate to keep hidden? Thank God for being honest with us and for including these "secrets" in His family closet to us. In this way He is sharing Who He truly is.
Day 5: Read Genesis 38:24-30
Thank God for giving Tamar twins. Thank Him for doing exceedingly abundantly more than you could ask or imagine in your life too.
God knows where you are, what you’ve done (or are doing) and He loves you. It’s as simple as that. You can talk with Him about whatever is going on–try it. Talk with Him with complete confidence that because He loves you–and because He knows you better than you know yourself, He is your absolute BEST confidante.
Also know that He’s GOD!! For goodness sakes, and He’s doing some big things and is eager for you to be part of it–and, get this; He uses you even when you don’t know it. It’s my prayer that just knowing that will compel you to pray about anything.
Practical Advice: Use a prayer journal. If you are a journaler–write out your prayers. If not, jot down a few words to remind you of what you’re praying about.
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