Why Retreat?

Aug 18, 2023

To retreat is to pull back, or get away from something that is difficult, dangerous or disagreeable.

To retreat is to also get away from the ordinary to spend extended time with God so you can experience the extraordinary. 

I love to retreat! It's maybe my favorite thing to do. Of course I wouldn't love it so much if it weren't a treat! I mean if we lived on retreat, we'd have to retreat from our retreat!! 

But to get away for just a bit with intent to focus on the under currents of our lives...that is something I enjoy.

Imagine yourself sitting on my porch, with a cup of coffee listening to the birds greet the morning. The breeze is gentle, the leaves are falling and it's just...beyond description.

I'm a mountain gal myself. I wear the t-shirts that say, 

"The mountains are calling and I must go." and...

"I go to the mountains for lose my mind and find my soul." 

And my favorite time to be in the mountains is when the leaves are showing off. That's why I'm hosting 4 retreats in October. 2 for pastors and their wives and 2 for women only. Let me tell you why I'm excited about each one:

Pastors and Wives Retreats, October 15-18 and 22-25

You might think I've lost my mind, expecting pastors to retreat on a Sunday-Wednesday, but let me explain what your pastor's wife already knows. The BEST time to get away is at the beginning of the week. There's not much that could be more fun than to drive out of town as soon as church is over on Sunday morning, not to return until time for church on Wednesday evening. 

We will greet pastors and wives with a relaxing rock on the porch followed by some serious comfort food for dinner. Then, we will spend 2 full days doing whatever we need to do to have just what the LORD orders to restore our marriages and our souls. Laughter and Lasagna are good medicine and there will be lots of both (with a few s'mores tossed in for good measure). 

This is our first year for our pastors and wives retreats! I've finally lassoed, PT (my good husband Tom) in for the fun! We are headed into our roles as "founding pastor and wife" and find ourselves with time to do fun things like this!

For more information on the Pastors and Wives Retreats, CLICK HERE!  

Women's Retreats, October 19-22 and 26-29

Then, returning after many years of offering these sweet get aways, we have 2 opportunities for you to bring your girlfriends and join me for our "Laughing Place" retreats smack dab in the middle of glorious October! 

I cannot tell you how meaninglful these retreats are to all of us who attend. I've shared with many people that my little "laughing place" is seasoned with the echos of these retreats. It's like an iron skillet that is used over and over again to become richer and richer in both flavor and function.

I can't wait to share these beautiful days with beautiful you!! These spots will fill quickly so find your person and talk with into a Thursday-Sunday get away in the Appalachian mountains where you too can lose your mind and find your soul.

For more information on the Women's Retreats, CLICK HERE! 

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