Jesus' Spicy Grannies Devotions: Bathsheba a mothers love for her adult kids advent bible reading daily bible reading plan faith Dec 17, 2024

Bathsheba's story has taken many perspectives. Some people have made it a love story, others have considered hers an ancient #metoo saga. I tend to lean to that side of things. The authority of kings ...

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Why is Deconstruction Such a "Thing" Today? a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy christian no more church hurt confidence in god deconstructing faith deconversion family estrangement god's got this Feb 06, 2024

In a conference I led for Lifeway Christian Resources back in November, I asked this question:


And then I attempted to answer it by sharing what Carey Ne...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 9: The Father and His Older Son a mothers love for her adult kids family estrangement god's got this parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 30, 2023

As we bring this series to a close, we must remember that when Jesus first set out to share this parable, he was talking with tax collectors and religious rulers. He'd been accused of consorting with ...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 7: Why Do Prodigals Choose Pig Pens? a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer parenting prodigals pride prodigal story Sep 30, 2023

There are lots of differentĀ prodigal storiesĀ but all of them have 1 thing in common. At some point, along the way, the prodigal hits rock bottom.

For the younger son in Jesus' parable, a famine creat...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 6: A Fool-proof plan? a mothers love for her adult kids family estrangement parenting adults parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 19, 2023

Thus far we've taken a deep dive into the cultural setting of our story, and we've studied the 3 characters Jesus introduced to us. Now, the plot thickens. Jesus leaves the father and older brother at...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 5: The Father a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god god's got this gods got this parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 19, 2023

If there's one thing that this "deep dive" has given me, it's an entirely new understanding of the Father in Jesus' story. Where I once thought Jesus was simply telling of how an entitled son made a r...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 3: Privilege Without Responsibility a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy christian no more family estrangement fathers parenting prodigals parents of adult children Sep 11, 2023

There's something Jesus' audience knew about this story that we might miss. The father's son was asking for privilege without responsibility.Ā 

Here's how Bailey explains this,Ā 

"The direct natural r...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 2: A Relationship is Broken, Not a Law a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy bible reading christian no more confidence in god family estrangement fathers mothers parenting parenting prodigals parents of adult children Sep 11, 2023

Once we understand the culture of Jesus' day, we have a greater awareness of the impact His story of the prodigal son had on His audience.

The original audience for this parable

Don't forget who Jes...

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Sharing Jesus With People Who Think They've Known Him All Along a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light courage to share filter bubbles people deconstructing their faith revival sharing jesus Apr 17, 2023

This article is part 2 of last week's where we discussed the impact of how news is reported and how algorithms affect whether or not we hear it. Our goal is to discover how best to share theĀ good news...

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Penetrating Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers with the Gospel a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion filter bubbles gospel and new age parenting Apr 10, 2023

What is the Gospel?Ā 

When the wordĀ gospelĀ was used in Jesus' day, it was the word used to describe when a herald would come to a village and make loud declaration of good news. Almost always, either ...

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Love Works (Hard). A Blog Post for Parents Who Need It a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion family estrangement how to pray for someone i love parents of adult children people deconstructing their faith what went wrong woke Mar 06, 2023

As a mother of adults who have traveled the deconstruction journey, I have up close and personal experience with the deconstruction of faith that is happening in our world today.

As a mother of indep...

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