Facing the Facts While Clinging to God's Promises believing god can i trust god confidence in god devotions faith fear and faith god's got this hope peace Jan 09, 2024

If I could have visited Joseph about 6 months into his prison sentence, I would have asked him if he still believed God's promises. 

"Joseph, what do you make of all those dreams God gave you when yo...

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Hope--The First Week of Advent advent being light can i trust god christmas prayer ideas god's got this hope hope in god Dec 05, 2023

Hope is traditionally the first word we reflect on during advent. If you use colored candles for your advent celebration, hope is represented by one of 3 purple candles.

Here is a devotion you can do...

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When the Holidays Threaten to Hurt You being light can i trust god christmas christmas prayer ideas gods got this meet me at the manager Nov 21, 2023

It's 2 days til Thanksgiving, and while some people usher in the holiday season the minute they sweep out the trick or treaters, I consider Thanksgiving the beginning of the holidays and my anniversar...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 5: The Father a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god god's got this gods got this parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 19, 2023

If there's one thing that this "deep dive" has given me, it's an entirely new understanding of the Father in Jesus' story. Where I once thought Jesus was simply telling of how an entitled son made a r...

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Let the Music Move You! My Personal "Battle Songs" Play List begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god fear and faith god's got this Jul 24, 2023

When I wrote Spiritual Warfare for WomenI said a lot of things I knew were true, but hadn't yet experienced the full weight of their truth.  Like this, the first sentence in the Introduction: 

"I a...

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With Me?…Without Me! believing god can i trust god christian no more confidence in god curse of the fall faith heaven hell Jul 14, 2023

One of mine and Tom’s favorite lines in a movie is the one Roy Miller (played by Tom Cruise) relayed to June Havens (played by Cameron Diaz) in Knight and Day.

CLICK HERE to see it.

Many times Tom a...

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Is God Everywhere All the Time? believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith god's got this god's soveriegnty and prayer truth where is god when it hurts Jul 09, 2023

The Psalmist wrote this, 

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;

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Did God Create the Devil? believing god can i trust god confidence in god curse of the fall faith god's soveriegnty and prayer gospel and new age hope in god spiritual warfare victory Jun 12, 2023

Here's a question for us!

Did God create the devil?

I mean, if God is good, and everything He does is good; and if God  created everything, did He create the devil? And how could that be good?


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Heaven is a Wonderful Place! believing god can i trust god courage to share curse of the fall faith gospel and new age heaven is god good? Jun 06, 2023

It's camp season as I write this blog. I'm headed to middle school camp with our church youth group this coming Friday as a cabin counselor! I've not served in this role in many many years. But grandd...

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How Could a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? Part 2 being light can i trust god curse of the fall deconstructing faith grace hell impact of sin pride May 30, 2023

Last week I wrote a blog post explaining the reality of hell, and how people end up there. This week I'm going to conclude that post by sharing the answer to these 2 very good questions I've been aske...

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"What the Heck?!" A Prayer God Always Answers begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god god's got this how to pray how to pray for someone i love secret to answered prayer where is god when it hurts May 09, 2023

There are times that my prayers aren't very nice. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes forget myself when I blurt out the first thing on my mind (or rather on my heart); especially when things ...

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Is God's Grace Resistible? begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god courage to share god's got this god's soveriegnty and prayer irresistible grace prayer Mar 19, 2023

In my previous post, I shared excerpts from 3 articles that support this statement: Grace is irresistible.

In this post I'm going to discuss how a theology of irresistible grace affects our understan...

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