History and His Story believing god favored by god gods got this surrender what makes you happy Jan 15, 2024

I was a history major in college, some eons ago. History was fascinating to me because it moved in circles rather than linear lines. Time moved linear, but what people did with it repeated itself over...

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Joy--Week 3 of Advent advent believing god bible reading christmas christmas prayer ideas favored by god god's got this prayer Dec 18, 2023

This week we light our 3rd candle in the advent wreath. We've lit two purple candles, and this week we get to light the pink one representing joy. Here's a devotion to help guide your conversation cen...

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Is Grace Irresistible? begging in prayer can i trust god does god play favorites? favored by god grace irresistible grace is god good? Mar 14, 2023

"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, "...

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God Speaks to Us in Ways We Can Hear Him begging in prayer can i trust god does god talk to us today favored by god fear and faith god speaks gods got this hearing gods voice how to hear god's voice Feb 13, 2023

It was March 8, 2011. I'd just come home from having a colonoscopy. The weather was cruddy, and my heart was heavy.Ā 

I was having the colonoscopy because a normal follow up in treatment for colon can...

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God Plays Favorites! (Part 3 of 3 Things Your Pastor Might Not Have Told You About Prayer) begging in prayer does god play favorites? favored by god god's got this how to be god's favorite how to win spiritual battles prayer works secret to answered prayer Feb 06, 2023

This is the third thing you pastor might not have told you about prayer. Now that weā€™ve dealt with 2 MAJOR issues we have with prayerā€”Iā€™m going to conclude with this big one. Are you ready for this? I...

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