If I could have visited Joseph about 6 months into his prison sentence, I would have asked him if he still believed God's promises.
"Joseph, what do you make of all those dreams God gave you when yo...
When I wrote Spiritual Warfare for Women, I said a lot of things I knew were true, but hadn't yet experienced the full weight of their truth. Like this, the first sentence in the Introduction:
"I a...
It was March 8, 2011. I'd just come home from having a colonoscopy. The weather was cruddy, and my heart was heavy.
I was having the colonoscopy because a normal follow up in treatment for colon can...
When I was 12 years old, I heard that when we prayed, we were supposed to go into our closet and pray to God who sees us in that secret place. So I got myself a cardboard box, covered it with a piece ...
Hmmm, what would my life be like if I really lived this way? Let's break this way of thinking down into its' pieces:
"God said it!"
When I was a child, most parents had this answer when their child...
I pulled this blog post from 2013. Before you read it, I need to tell you what I did before I found this one. I read through several blog posts that were written in 2013, and in reading them I was rem...
This blog post is reprinted and revised (just a tad) from a blog I wrote for Lifeway Resources that was posted on their website in January 2015. I accidentally came across it today and was so encourag...