Did God Create the Devil? believing god can i trust god confidence in god curse of the fall faith god's soveriegnty and prayer gospel and new age hope in god spiritual warfare victory Jun 12, 2023

Here's a question for us!

Did God create the devil?

I mean, if God is good, and everything He does is good; and if God  created everything, did He create the devil? And how could that be good?


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Heaven is a Wonderful Place! believing god can i trust god courage to share curse of the fall faith gospel and new age heaven is god good? Jun 06, 2023

It's camp season as I write this blog. I'm headed to middle school camp with our church youth group this coming Friday as a cabin counselor! I've not served in this role in many many years. But grandd...

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Penetrating Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers with the Gospel a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion filter bubbles gospel and new age parenting Apr 10, 2023

What is the Gospel? 

When the word gospel was used in Jesus' day, it was the word used to describe when a herald would come to a village and make loud declaration of good news. Almost always, either ...

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