Why It's Important to Take Responsibility for the Choices We Make (And Why We Don't Want To) curse of the fall free will gods got this impact of sin Aug 14, 2023

I googled, "Do people take responsibility for the choices they make?" 

I'll tell you why I asked that question in a minute.

This is what came up at the top of the page:

We are ultimately responsibl...

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How Could a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? Part 2 being light can i trust god curse of the fall deconstructing faith grace hell impact of sin pride May 30, 2023

Last week I wrote a blog post explaining the reality of hell, and how people end up there. This week I'm going to conclude that post by sharing the answer to these 2 very good questions I've been aske...

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When God's Plan Was Aborted...Part 2 of "Women Were Created by God" curse of the fall ezer kenegdo gender identity impact of sin telling the truth truth truth about women what went wrong Jun 11, 2022

This is part 2 of the previous blog post you might want to read first, "Women Were Created by God."

In God’s original design—all of us were created to step into positions of authority where we would ...

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