Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 8: The Humility of the Father grace parenting adults parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 30, 2023

We've already discussed the father's humility in Jesus' parable of the man who had 2 sons. But at this point in the story, we'd be amiss if we didn't revisit this subject.

Once the prodigal "came to ...

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Deep Dive into Jesus' Prodigal Story Part 6: A Fool-proof plan? a mothers love for her adult kids family estrangement parenting adults parenting prodigals prodigal story Sep 19, 2023

Thus far we've taken a deep dive into the cultural setting of our story, and we've studied the 3 characters Jesus introduced to us. Now, the plot thickens. Jesus leaves the father and older brother at...

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