It's Not That Hard to Hear God's Voice Part 3 begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith god's got this how to hear god's voice how to pray how to pray for people in pain how to pray for someone i love how to win spiritual battles playing tug of war with god prayer works praying god's word Sep 27, 2022

This is the 3rd part of a 4 part series on hearing the voice of God. Prayer is such a marvelous mystery! Just the thought that the God of the Universe invites us into relationship with Him where we ca...

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When You Just Want God to Say, "YES!" begging in prayer can i trust god faith god's got this playing tug of war with god prayer works praying through pain promise keeper say yes lord what about when god isn't good? where is god when it hurts May 16, 2022

River has a point. Sometimes it just seems like the only good answer is "yes." The only KIND answer is "yes."

Right now.

Right here. 

Right like you've prayed.

But what about when the answer comes...

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Praying through Pain and Suffering how to pray for people in pain is god good? playing tug of war with god praying through pain what about when god isn't good? where is god when it hurts Feb 02, 2022

"What about when God isn't good?"

That's what I googled.

I'd just read the daily update for a 14-year-old boy who's been in ICU since Thanksgiving. His dad reminded us that his son isn't the only ch...

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