There are times that my prayers aren't very nice. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes forget myself when I blurt out the first thing on my mind (or rather on my heart); especially when things ...
This is the third thing you pastor might not have told you about prayer. Now that we’ve dealt with 2 MAJOR issues we have with prayer—I’m going to conclude with this big one. Are you ready for this? I...
This is the second of 3 Things Your Pastor Might Not Have Told You About Prayer. And this isn’t as much related to what your pastor hasn’t told you as it is something your pastor probably doesn’t want...
3 Things Your Pastor Might Not Have Told You About Prayer
My husband is a pastor—and I think he’s a good one. But I have never heard him preach what I’m about to share with you. Now I haven’t heard y...
When I was 12 years old, I heard that when we prayed, we were supposed to go into our closet and pray to God who sees us in that secret place. So I got myself a cardboard box, covered it with a piece ...