Is God Everywhere All the Time? believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith god's got this god's soveriegnty and prayer truth where is god when it hurts Jul 09, 2023

The Psalmist wrote this, 

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;

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What is Love? a mothers love for her adult kids can i trust god faith family estrangement god's got this how to win spiritual battles mothers parenting praying through pain truth where is god when it hurts Jul 12, 2022

  I am reposting a blog I wrote in August, 2012. When I wrote this, my eldest daughter, Mikel was 20 years old with a one year old daughter, her husband was a soldier with "anger issues" and my other ...

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When God's Plan Was Aborted...Part 2 of "Women Were Created by God" curse of the fall ezer kenegdo gender identity impact of sin telling the truth truth truth about women what went wrong Jun 11, 2022

This is part 2 of the previous blog post you might want to read first, "Women Were Created by God."

In God’s original design—all of us were created to step into positions of authority where we would ...

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Women Were Created by God... ezer kenegdo god's got this image of god telling the truth truth truth about women woke Jun 07, 2022

This summer I'm sharing a series of podcasts called "The Truth about Women." Throughout the summer I'll be interviewing various women leaders who are way smarter than me. Together we're going to tackl...

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The Truth About Women courage to share telling the truth truth truth about women woke Apr 27, 2022

I'm working right now on the message I'm going to be sharing on Mother's Day at Thompson Station Church. It's become somewhat of a tradition for me to speak to our congregation on Mother's Day, and th...

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