Did God Create the Devil? believing god can i trust god confidence in god curse of the fall faith god's soveriegnty and prayer gospel and new age hope in god spiritual warfare victory Jun 12, 2023

Here's a question for us!

Did God create the devil?

I mean, if God is good, and everything He does is good; and if GodĀ  createdĀ everything,Ā did He create the devil? And how could that be good?


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God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It! believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith fear and faith god's got this how to pray how to win spiritual battles is the bible reliable nothing to fear prayer prayer works the bible is god's word victory Aug 09, 2022

Hmmm, what would my life be like if I really lived this way? Let's break this way of thinking down into its' pieces:Ā 

"God said it!"

When I was a child, most parents had this answer when their child...

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Spiritual Authority and How to Use It Part 1 praying for the lost praying god's word praying through pain spiritual authority spiritual warfare victory Mar 10, 2022

Ephesians 6 is our "go to" passage of Scripture when we think of spiritual warfare. But too often we approach this chapter from the mindset of someone who wants to protect themselves and their family,...

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