Love Works (Hard). A Blog Post for Parents Who Need It a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion family estrangement how to pray for someone i love parents of adult children people deconstructing their faith what went wrong woke Mar 06, 2023

As a mother of adults who have traveled the deconstruction journey, I have up close and personal experience with the deconstruction of faith that is happening in our world today.

As a mother of indep...

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When God's Plan Was Aborted...Part 2 of "Women Were Created by God" curse of the fall ezer kenegdo gender identity impact of sin telling the truth truth truth about women what went wrong Jun 11, 2022

This is part 2 of the previous blog post you might want to read first, "Women Were Created by God."

In Godā€™s original designā€”all of us were created to step into positions of authority where we would ...

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