Jesus' Spicy Grannies Devotions: Ruth advent being light believing god bible reading daily bible reading plan mothers Dec 17, 2024

Ruth is our first spicy granny who didn't pretend to be, or was, a prostitute! But she did sleep with her husband before she was married, and proposed to him!! Her story is more sweet than savory and ...

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Love--Advent Christmas Eve advent being light christmas christmas prayer ideas hope in god Dec 21, 2023

I hope that you will finish out your advent season by lighting these final 2 candles; one on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day. We will light our Love candle after 4 Christmas Eve services ...

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Peace With God and Peace Of God Advent Week 2 advent being light bible reading christmas christmas prayer ideas daily bible reading plan god's got this grace meet me at the manager peace pray and trust Dec 12, 2023

There was a gospel tract that was (and is) very popular, it was printed and distributed by the Billy Graham Association. In fact, that little gospel tract has turned into a website, it's titled


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Hope--The First Week of Advent advent being light can i trust god christmas prayer ideas god's got this hope hope in god Dec 05, 2023

Hope is traditionally the first word we reflect on during advent. If you use colored candles for your advent celebration, hope is represented by one of 3 purple candles.

Here is a devotion you can do...

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When the Holidays Threaten to Hurt You being light can i trust god christmas christmas prayer ideas gods got this meet me at the manager Nov 21, 2023

It's 2 days til Thanksgiving, and while some people usher in the holiday season the minute they sweep out the trick or treaters, I consider Thanksgiving the beginning of the holidays and my anniversar...

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Binding and Loosing: A Powerful Privilege and Responsibility for Us begging in prayer being light believing god confidence in god faith god's got this hope in god how to win spiritual battles Aug 09, 2023

I rarely ever, in fact, have never done this before but I'm doing it this week because this message is so important for us to embrace. In preparing for my podcast this week I came across a powerful me...

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How Could a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? Part 2 being light can i trust god curse of the fall deconstructing faith grace hell impact of sin pride May 30, 2023

Last week I wrote a blog post explaining the reality of hell, and how people end up there. This week I'm going to conclude that post by sharing the answer to these 2Ā very goodĀ questions I've been aske...

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How Could a Loving God Send Anybody to Hell?! being light christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion hell is god good? May 23, 2023

I've found myself bombarded by questions like this one in the most unusual of places. I'm not going to share where, exactly--just know that they were places I never imagined I'd entertain questions li...

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Sharing Jesus With People Who Think They've Known Him All Along a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light courage to share filter bubbles people deconstructing their faith revival sharing jesus Apr 17, 2023

This article is part 2 of last week's where we discussed the impact of how news is reported and how algorithms affect whether or not we hear it. Our goal is to discover how best to share theĀ good news...

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Penetrating Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers with the Gospel a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion filter bubbles gospel and new age parenting Apr 10, 2023

What is the Gospel?Ā 

When the wordĀ gospelĀ was used in Jesus' day, it was the word used to describe when a herald would come to a village and make loud declaration of good news. Almost always, either ...

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Pride: What It Is and Why It's a Sin being light confidence in god curse of the fall faith how to hear god's voice pride Feb 28, 2023

What is pride?Ā 

Pride is not merely thinking too much of oneself, but rather thinking of oneself too much.Ā 

In other words, pride is living from a ā€œmeā€ center. Pride has me and my pleasure, satisfac...

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Apostasy and Revival: Can They Happen at the Same Time? apostasy being light believing god christian no more courage to share deconstructing faith god's got this revival Feb 20, 2023


I'm writing this blog post on February 18, 2023. In the past few weeks news ofĀ revivalĀ has spread like wildfire across our nation from the small campus of Asbury University in the tiny town ...

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