Jesus' Spicy Grannies Devotions: Tamar devotions god's soveriegnty and prayer gods got this grace tamar Dec 10, 2024

When Matthew wrote the geneology of Jesus, He included the names of 5 women. This was scandalous!! There are many genealogies listed in the Bible, andĀ this is the only oneĀ that mentions multiple women...

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Facing the Facts While Clinging to God's Promises believing god can i trust god confidence in god devotions faith fear and faith god's got this hope peace Jan 09, 2024

If I could have visited Joseph about 6 months into his prison sentence, I would have asked him if he still believed God's promises.Ā 

"Joseph, what do you make of all those dreams God gave you when yo...

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JESUS! Advent on Christmas Day advent bible reading christmas christmas prayer ideas devotions Dec 21, 2023

We made it! It's Christmas, and I know that your day is filled with gift-giving and family and food and fun. Let's make a little room for Him, perhaps at the beginning of the day as we remember and ce...

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