Sharing Jesus With People Who Think They've Known Him All Along a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light courage to share filter bubbles people deconstructing their faith revival sharing jesus Apr 17, 2023

This article is part 2 of last week's where we discussed the impact of how news is reported and how algorithms affect whether or not we hear it. Our goal is to discover how best to share the ...

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Penetrating Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers with the Gospel a mothers love for her adult kids apostasy being light christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion filter bubbles gospel and new age parenting Apr 10, 2023

What is the Gospel? 

When the word gospel was used in Jesus' day, it was the word used to describe when a herald would come to a village and make loud declaration of good news....

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Come Home! Praying for the Lost and Those Who've Lost Their Way confidence in god courage to share faith god's got this hope in god prayer for others prayer power praying for the lost what good does it do to pray Apr 03, 2023

As we celebrate holy week this week, many Christ followers will be participating in activities to remember what Jesus did to reunite us with God. His passion both for His Father and for us...

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Is God's Grace Resistible? begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god courage to share god's got this god's soveriegnty and prayer irresistible grace prayer Mar 19, 2023

In my previous post, I shared excerpts from 3 articles that support this statement: Grace is irresistible.

In this post I'm going to discuss how a theology of irresistible grace affects our...

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Is Grace Irresistible? begging in prayer can i trust god does god play favorites? favored by god grace irresistible grace is god good? Mar 14, 2023

"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and...

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Love Works (Hard). A Blog Post for Parents Who Need It a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god christian no more deconstructing faith deconversion family estrangement how to pray for someone i love parents of adult children people deconstructing their faith what went wrong woke Mar 06, 2023

As a mother of adults who have traveled the deconstruction journey, I have up close and personal experience with the deconstruction of faith that is happening in our world today.

As a mother of...

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Pride: What It Is and Why It's a Sin being light confidence in god curse of the fall faith how to hear god's voice pride Feb 28, 2023

What is pride? 

Pride is not merely thinking too much of oneself, but rather thinking of oneself too much. 

In other words, pride is living from a “me” center. Pride has me...

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Apostasy and Revival: Can They Happen at the Same Time? apostasy being light believing god christian no more courage to share deconstructing faith god's got this revival Feb 20, 2023


I'm writing this blog post on February 18, 2023. In the past few weeks news of revival has spread like wildfire across our nation from the small campus of Asbury University in...

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God Speaks to Us in Ways We Can Hear Him begging in prayer can i trust god does god talk to us today favored by god fear and faith god speaks gods got this hearing gods voice how to hear god's voice Feb 13, 2023

It was March 8, 2011. I'd just come home from having a colonoscopy. The weather was cruddy, and my heart was heavy. 

I was having the colonoscopy because a normal follow up in treatment for...

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God Plays Favorites! (Part 3 of 3 Things Your Pastor Might Not Have Told You About Prayer) begging in prayer does god play favorites? favored by god god's got this how to be god's favorite how to win spiritual battles prayer works secret to answered prayer Feb 06, 2023

This is the third thing you pastor might not have told you about prayer. Now that we’ve dealt with 2 MAJOR issues we have with prayer—I’m going to conclude with this big one. Are...

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If God's Going to Do What God's Going to Do Anyway, Why Pray? begging in prayer god's soveriegnty and prayer how to pray how to win spiritual battles prayer works secret to answered prayer what good does it do to pray why pray Jan 30, 2023

This is the second of 3 Things Your Pastor Might Not Have Told You About Prayer. And this isn’t as much related to what your pastor hasn’t told you as it is something your pastor...

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