I hope that you will finish out your advent season by lighting these final 2 candles; one on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day. We will light our Love candle after 4 Christmas Eve services ...
Hope is traditionally the first word we reflect on during advent. If you use colored candles for your advent celebration, hope is represented by one of 3 purple candles.
Here is a devotion you can do...
I rarely ever, in fact, have never done this before but I'm doing it this week because this message is so important for us to embrace. In preparing for my podcast this week I came across a powerful me...
Here's a question for us!
Did God create the devil?
I mean, if God is good, and everything He does is good; and if GodĀ createdĀ everything,Ā did He create the devil? And how could that be good?
As we celebrate holy week this week, many Christ followers will be participating in activities to remember what Jesus did to reunite us with God. His passion both for His Father and for us literally p...
If you are just now landing on my blog posts, you will want to know that this post comes just after a discussion of God's irresistible grace and man's free will. We've been pondering simple things lik...
As I write this blog post we are in the first week of advent. During the first week of advent we focus on...
I found a great definition of hope online:
Hope is an optimistic state of mind that...